Induction Session – New Members
Induction Sessions are usually held around every 4 weeks on a Tuesday evening. **
The date, day, and time of our next Induction Session will appear on the Member Form (accessible by clicking the button below) when it is available. If the Session is full, the form won’t be available until about a week after the current Session has been run.
Our clubrooms can be accessed from Cedar Avenue, at Woodville South. The area is well lit with ample parking.
The Induction Session is a theory/information session and is dog free. The session is 1.5 hours and includes a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation run by our President and Chief Instructor, with time for questions.
Attendees will receive a copy of our Train at Home Guide, which is included as part of their membership fee. We ask that you study this guide as much as possible before attending your first class.
During Induction you will be given an overview of our training methods, including –
- Training equipment we recommend for both you and your dog.
- Positive Reinforcement/Force Free training and why it works.
- Training Concepts and Techniques.
- Dog Body Language/Human Body Language.
New members and their dogs normally join an Introduction Class on the Sunday following the Induction Session they attended.
New members are not accepted into any class until they have attended Induction.
** Please note – We run a 4-week training cycle. If for any reason there is no training (long weekend, bad weather, etc.) on a weekend, then that week is not counted in the cycle, and the following weekend replaces it. When this occurs the next Induction and Intro Class dates will also change to allow for the current classes to be completed.